Saturday, April 20, 2013


Hello lovely readers of the internet :D
Sorry it's been a while. I've kind of got lost in touch with my blogging self. But BLIMEY a lot have gone on since the last time...well not really...I just watched a lot of youtube videos and browsed the internet for loads of hours. Hahaha the life of a hermit...

Well for starters, I started watching Doctor Who 2 or 3 weeks ago and guess what I'm already on season 5 XD WOOOP never mind, I just finished the 5th season as I was writing this. It's a fantastic show! No wonder people have been raving about it! My favorite Doctor's gotta be the 10th Doctor.  David Tennant was just brilliant as the Doctor; a brilliant actor.

It was my birthday in March...I spent it cramming for my biochem midterm and writing a paper for my english class. Quite a disappointing 21st birthday =.=;
I did treat myself with goodies and materials, since I have no friends to celebrate it with here. social life is literally non-existent while I'm in school.  I'm one of those dumbos who have to study all day with no life to get good grades cuz honestly I'm not naturally smart.

 My god! school's barely started and I'm barely able to keep focus.  I'm starting to getting super specific into my major coursework, and quite frankly it's somewhat boring...
School was more exciting when I was getting at organic chem and biochem and neurobio...but it was also miserable.
I thought learning about nutrition was going to be...well...more direct, but a lot of the info i'm learning are wishy washy jumbly wumbly, 
and very basic things like measuring weight and subcutaneous fat.
hrrrrm...nutrition is such a young science and only have been an deep interest recently.
So yes, this is me expressing my disappointment in my studies.

I've also made couple videos and a new channel :)
I'll be posting them up shortly after this post


  1. Hey, miss you lots!

    Sorry for missing your text. I was out with my family. Seems like you're getting a lot of work done. :) That's good, I've been so swamped with schoolwork as well.

    Are you going abroad during the summer? I'm taking summer classes at SD so I probably won't have too much time, but if there's a day we can meet, we should! And we should totally make ice cream! Find some recipes so if we can meet, we can make one! :)

    1. Heeey!!! I haven't talked to you in ages! Hrmmm not this summer but next. This summer I'm just gonna be home for the first session then back in nor cal for the second session. Yes, I'm so down for making some homemade ice cream. Yummmm.
      And woman make some time to talk so we can plan things out
