Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Post Post Post~

So, I'm well aware that I've pretty much ignored my second life as a blogger/youtuber on the interwebs this past few months.  But hello, again :) Just letting you know, it's finals week and I've came here to relieve some stress.
Honestly, I bit wayyy too much off of my plate this time around because I decided earlier to attempt at a double major with pharmaceutical chemistry and clinical nutrition.  I kept changing around what I want to do with my life when I get shoved out into the real world.  Looking back at the quarter from hell I just had, I don't think I'll be able to handle such workload for a year and a half longer. I missed blogging as well. Really, I missed all of this. My poor camera's been collecting dust :'(
Next quarter, I'm gonna take it easier for the sake of my mental health and I'll be back here in my little niche in the interweb sharing things again :P
Till then, take care you lovely reader of the internet~

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